Mentor and Mentee Stories

The right connection can change a life

Explore stories from mentors and mentees made possible by Program Coordinators creating a more well-connected world for their employees, members, and communities.

Mentorloop empowers the Program Coordinators who make mentoring magic happen

Here we celebrate the amazing stories from mentors and mentees participating in Mentorloop mentoring programs from:

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women offshore

Meet Women Offshore Mentor: Carrie Norton

The Women Offshore Foundation is a nonprofit supporting the careers of female seafarers worldwide. Mentorloop proudly supports its founder, Ally Cedeno, to bring their community mentoring program to life.

In this episode, we chat with mentor Carrie Norton. She shares her experience of many years on the water, the challenges that her unique working environment presents and how she supports other women who want to excel in an incredibly male-dominated industry.

Charlene Bennetts

Mentee and Mentor

Having a different and ‘outsider’ perspective helps so much. Sometimes you’re so stuck in a situation, that it’s hard to see another point of view. Mentoring also helps me be responsible for my own career development as I have to set clear goals at the start and check in to see how I am tracking with those goals.

Very easy to use

Easy to use, clear and concise. The layout was good overall. It allows users to connect to mentors easily and organise goals with them.

Mentee in Consulting
Mentee in Consulting
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Easy to find a mentor and connect

One stop to find a mentor and keep in touch which is easy to do. Helps me find a mentor and stay in touch as a mentee. 

Mentee in Consulting
Mentee in Consulting
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Lana Zegura


This program, and in particular the luck I’ve been given to be assigned my mentor, has come at the perfect time in my career. I am wanting to take the next step – which in my opinion is a much bigger step than I’ve previously taken. So, to have a guiding hand, who is in my corner, who has an outsider’s perspective without any preconceived notions of my role or the people I work with, has been really helpful.  I’ve really turned around my thinking and am ready to create a strategic game plan with my mentor on how I can achieve these goals and what I need to do to get there.

Kuan Chia

Mentee and Mentor

I now have a better appreciation of what the younger generation is experiencing so am able to be more effective in my professional world. 

Mentoring the next generation of leaders is a rewarding experience and I would encourage others to give back.

Framework for developing a friendship and mentorship

I believe the best part about it was having such a structured framework that began the conversation with my mentor. At times I didn’t know what I should be talkig to them about so I came back to Mentoorloop for suggestions.

Cody H
Cody H
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Andrew Finlayson


Mentoring has brought me great satisfaction – to even marginally affect the life and career of a talented individual, it is so rewarding.

I think the secret to good mentoring comes from the mentee primarily. They have to genuinely want to enter into the relationship honestly and be open to ideas and work with the mentor to develop their full potential. On the mentor’s part, it is essential not to be directive but to encourage the mentee to discover their own unique talents and capabilities.

Mentorloop is a great way to connect, share experiences and evolve your mentoring skills

Easy to use, keeps the conversation private, and provides good options for sharing goals. It’s providing a platform for many others like me who want to develop their mentoring skills, and for mentees to share experiences and ask for advice using a single platform.

Mayank G
Mayank G
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Tafadzwa Padare


This opportunity has brought with it, the ability to speak out and bring a new perspective into discussions, meetings, and being heard.

Open communication is key to a good mentorship relationship, prioritizing both formal and informal meetings and catch up also helps form a connection between the mentor and mentee.

Powerful tool for establishing and managing mentoring relationships

The software is convenient and provides essential information for making the most of your time with your mentor. I am able to connect with like-minded people from around the country and am not limited to those who are physically in the same location as me. It is convenient to use.

Bonnie M
Bonnie M
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Ben Monnie


I leave each conversation with something to think about and some actions to carry out before the next meeting. My advice for others – don’t be quick to make any recommendations. Listen to your mentees and get to know them first. There is no secret, it’s about being open and honest and giving each other things to consider and think about.

Mentoring helped me pivot my career for the better

It can be difficult to access senior leaders or other people in your industry. Mentorloop connects people.

Mentee in Insurance
Mentee in Insurance
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Gino Laios

Mentee and Mentor

Personally, my time being a mentee has changed the way I approach challenges in general, and now look at them as opportunities and not things that should get me down. When I don’t know which road I should take or have the answer, I now know it’s okay not to have an answer or solution for everything life puts in front of you. For my mentoring matches, I could see them also make that step following our discussions and sharing personal experiences and how things can be approached from a place of balanced confidence instead of imbalanced fear (of failure).

Mentoring with an Ocean in Between

The ‘Future of Work’ is here. Since colleagues aren’t always in the same location, it can be difficult for them to engage with one another in meaningful ways. Even mentoring styles have adapted (mentoring remotely versus face-to-face) as employers constantly look for ways to ensure their people feel connected.

With an ocean in between Alejandro and Damon, they describe their own approach to mentoring and how it’s changed.

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