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Mentorloop Community Guidelines


Why we’ve written these guidelines

We believe the right mentoring connection can change your life, and that these connections should be accessible to everyone. So we’ve written these guidelines to ensure that everyone can equally, safely, and confidently enjoy being a part of the Mentorloop Community.

What we expect from you

By becoming a part of this community and being active within it, you are entering into an implicit mentoring agreement, for which there is some etiquette.

What we expect from you – the Mentorloop Code of Conduct

By becoming a part of a mentoring community on Mentorloop, and being active within it, you are entering into an implicit mentoring agreement. We have some clear guidelines for what is and is not appropriate behavior and some specific rules of engagement. By joining this mentoring community, you agree to abide by the following:

  1. Respect others’ privacy at all times. What you discuss and disclose is confidential and should never be shared with anyone outside of your connection without prior agreement.
  2. Your match is made for professional and personal purposes, to support a peer in their development.
  3. Respect that other people in the community have had different life experiences and may have a different perspective to yours. Welcome different viewpoints.
  4. Any offensive or discriminatory content; or sharing fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading content or content that would deliberately harm another person is unacceptable.
  5. The mentoring match is not for the purposes of soliciting financial gain or advantage, advertising, spam, or other nefarious reasons.
  6. Defamatory, indecent, offensive, profane, discriminatory, threatening comments and language are absolutely not welcomed in the Mentorloop Community.
  7. Sexual harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. “Sexual harassment” means any unwanted, unwelcome, or uninvited behavior of a sexual nature which a reasonable person in the circumstances would find humiliating, intimidating, or offensive.


Action we will take if someone does not follow these ground rules

We will always assume the best of people, and that those in the mentoring community will operate with the best of intentions. We reserve the right to suspend or remove anyone from the community who does not act in the spirit of these guidelines; and may investigate if complaints are made against individuals.

Help us make sure that no one will ever have to feel like they’re going it alone. The right connection can change your life, so we’re working to make these connections more accessible.

If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to report an issue then please email info@mentorloop.com