Mentorloop Program Explorer

02: Population

When designing your program the next logical step to consider is the size, or population as we will refer to it here. 

Thinking of starting with a pilot?

Pilots are a great way to introduce a mentoring program to your people.
Starting between 50 and 150 participants, this size group gives you enough of an initial taste to get to know the platform and its capabilities.

You’ll quickly be able to prove the success of the program, start collecting mentoring stories and take any learnings on board as you scale to a larger community (more to come later on measuring and growing your program).

You’ll soon be hooked on the level of feedback and clarity that the Mentorloop platform can bring, answering common questions and concerns such as;

  • Are people getting value from their relationships?
  • How do I know who might need some extra support?
  • How will I know if someone isn’t enjoying their time mentoring?

All can be answered quickly, with Mentorloop.

Have a think about the population of your mentoring program: